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We work tirelessly in Spain and internationally, driving projects that help improve the quality of life for the most vulnerable and marginalized individuals in our society. At the same time, we promote the empowerment of people so they can defend their rights and dignity. We organize our efforts into projects and campaigns of various types and scopes, addressing the social realities and challenges that surround us:/p>

Projects in Spain​


We have projects aimed at individuals who lack essential resources and are excluded from social participation. These initiatives help them meet basic needs, such as food and housing, while also providing support to facilitate their reintegration and social security.

San Antón Church
and Social Center
  • San Antón Breakfasts
  • San Antón Pantry
  • Pastoral Activities
  • Social Intervention
  • Cultural Activities
  • Opportunity Homes

  • Family Autonomy Homes

  • Alamín Project

  • Centro socioeducativo de familia e infancia

  • Centro para víctimas de violencia de género

  • Residencias y centros de día
  • Teléfono dorado
Personas con discapacidad
Familiares de personas hospitalizadas
Cooperación internacional
Ayuda Humanitaria
Los mayores también creen en los reyes magos
San Antón
San Valentín
San Isidro
Día de los abuelos
Día del voluntariado

Support for individuals in situations of social vulnerability

Various factors can lead to or exacerbate a situation of vulnerability: age, gender, individual or social economic or political situation, and more. At Messengers of Peace, we work with different vulnerable groups to understand—and raise awareness of—their realities, and to offer the most effective support possible.


Socio-educational Center for Families and Children


Emergency centers for victims of gender-based violence

Elderly people
  • Nursing homes and day centers
  • Golden Phone (for elderly assistance)
  • Home care
  • Opportunity home for elderly individuals
People with disabilities
Support for refugees

International projects

Throughout 61 years of history, we have made an impact in 76 countries, through our own offices and local counterparts, aiming to improve the quality of life for people, no matter where they are.

Campaigns and Moments

Throughout the year, we organize campaigns and events aimed at raising awareness about the different realities we work with on a daily basis.

Elderly people also believe in the Three Kings
San Antón Celebration
Valentine's Day Celebration
Humanitarian aid campaign due to the war in Ukraine
Christ of the Children
San Isidro Stew
Grandparents' Day
60th Anniversary Celebration
World Meeting of Churches - Field Hospitals
Audience with Pope Francis
International Volunteer Day
Christmas Eve at the Paraninfo of the Complutense and the Church of San Antón

In the first person


Thank you, Messengers of Peace! You not only help those in need, but also volunteers, to whom you have given another reason to keep moving forward.

User and volunteer at the Robin Hood Restaurant and the Solidarity Pantry of San Antón.

One day I was walking past San Antón and I went in. While praying, I began to cry… I felt a lot of anguish. A volunteer sat next to me and listened attentively, without judgment, validated my emotions, told me about Robin Hood, and gave me food. He said some words that made me reflect, and I left much calmer than when I arrived.

Currently, after several months, I still attend Robin Hood… but I have also started helping at the Solidarity Pantry as a volunteer. Meeting Messengers of Peace prevented my vulnerable situation from getting worse. Since the moment I migrated to Spain, I’ve gone through various situations, some more difficult than others… The truth is that every time I had a need, I turned to Messengers and always received help and care.

During this time, I’ve always noticed the same values: respect, service, implicit in every gesture and concrete in every action; freedom: my decisions were always respected. That’s why today, I want to greatly thank the big family of Messengers of Peace.

Resident of the Opportunity Home and worker at the Robin Hood Restaurant.

My name is Mohammed, and I am in the Opportunity Home of Messengers of Peace. In March of last year, when the Robin Hood restaurant reopened after being closed due to the pandemic, I was given the opportunity to work there, coordinating the dinner service every day. It was a great way to get through such a difficult time for everyone because of Covid, and it has been a very important experience for my personal development, as it allowed me to regain consistency, respect for schedules, and a sense of responsibility… things I had lost during my previous homelessness. Thanks to this opportunity provided by Messengers of Peace, I have been able to re-enter the job market, and I have also been able to connect with volunteers and users, meeting wonderful people from whom I have learned a lot.