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The Church of San Antón Prepares to Honor San Antón, Patron Saint of Animals

With great enthusiasm, the Church of San Antón once again joins the annual festivity in honor of San Antón, the patron saint of animals. It’s a day to appreciate the unique relationship between humans and their faithful animal companions.

One of the most rooted traditions during this commemoration is the sale of the famous “San Antón bread rolls,” which will be available for purchase from January 12th to January 17th.

The central day of this celebration, January 17th, will be filled with activities. From 10 in the morning until 8 in the evening, individual blessings for pets will take place, where families can come to receive a special blessing for their animals.

Additionally, several masses will be celebrated (at 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 4 p.m., and 6 p.m.), including a main mass at noon presided over by His Eminence and Most Reverend Carlos Osoro, Cardinal and Emeritus Archbishop of Madrid, and a solemn mass at 7 p.m. The procession known as “Las Vueltas de San Antón” will also take place at 5:00 p.m.

The Church of San Antón invites all those who wish to attend and animal lovers to join in this meaningful celebration.

As a complement, and for the second consecutive year, on Sunday, January 14th at 5:30 p.m., the Church of San Antón will offer a “Clandestine Concert”, organized by Román Mosteiro and his friends, where all people who wish to come are encouraged to bring their pets. While the event is free, those who wish to contribute can make a donation to cover the costs of the breakfasts offered daily at San Antón for homeless people.