Web: https://mensajerosdelapaz.com
Asociación Mensajeros de la Paz
CIF: G-28485779
Address: Plaza General Vara de Rey, Nº 9, 28005, Madrid
Tlf: 913643940
When visitors comment on the website, we gather the data from the commentary form, as well as the visitor’s IP address and the browser’s user agent string to help detecting spam.
An anonymous chain created with your email address (also known as hash) may be given to Gravatar service to check if you are using it. Gravatar’s privacy policy is available at https://automattic.com/privacy/. Once your comment is approved, your profile picture is visible to the public.
If you upload pictures to the web, please avoid uploading images with included location data (GPS EXIF). Visitors can download and extract any location data from images on the website.
contact forms
We save the information from the contact forms to indicate information about Mensajeros de la Paz. Résumés are part of a data base used and consulted when professional staff is needed.
When you leave a comment on our website, you can choose to save your name, address, email and web on the cookies. This is for your convenience, to save you from having to complete this information again when you leave another comment. These cookies have a duration of one year.
If you have an account and you log in, we will install a temporal cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie has no personal data and gets deleted once you close your browser.
When you log in, a few cookies get installed to save your session information and your display options. Session cookies have a duration of two days, and display options cookies, of one year. Clicking “Remember Me”, your session will stay logged in for two weeks. If you log out, session cookies will get deleted.
If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will get stored on your browser. This cookie does not include personal data; it only indicates the ID of the article you have just edited. It expires after 1 day.
Embedded content from other websites
Articles on this website may include embedded content (for example, videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behave exactly the same as if the visitor had entered those webs.
These websites can gather your data, use cookies, set an additional third-part tracking and supervise your interaction with the embedded content, including the monitoring of your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and you are connected to that website.
how long we keep your data
If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are kept indefinitely. This is done to recognize and approve consecutive comments automatically, instead of keep them in a moderation queue.
If there are users registered in our web, we also store the personal information they provide on their user profiles. All users can see, edit or delete their personal information at any time (the only exception is their user name, which cannot be changed). Website’s administrators can also see and edit this information.
which RIGHTS you have over your data
If you have an account or you have left a comment on this website, you can request to be sent an export file with all the personal data we have from you, including all the information you have provided. You can also request for any personal data to be deleted. This does not include the information we are obligated to keep for administrative, legal or security purposes.