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Your support today is essential to help families who are losing everything.

More than 6000 people have had to leave their homes due to the eruption of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano in La Palma. Many of them do not know if they will be able to return. That is why, hand in hand with Mediaset, we invite you to collaborate with the evacuated families.

With your help we will be able to:

  • Offer housing in the face of the current housing emergency.
  • Provide support in the search for new housing for those who cannot return to their homes.
  • Provide psycho-social support to families in this difficult time.
  • Help people in their reinsertion into the labor market through training and job search.

What are we currently doing?

  • We signed a Collaboration Agreement with the company VISOCAN committing us to acquire the necessary equipment for the first 100 houses for affected families, which will be delivered during the month of October.
  • This commitment will be extended until completing the 150 houses that the Council is locating and acquiring to be able to deliver them, before the end of the year.
  • The purchases will be made in stores on the island to support local employment and will be made by the families themselves so that they can be themselves who choose according to their tastes and particularities.

For this:

  • We are developing recreational and social programs with children that allow them to maintain the leisure that the situation denies them. We are also providing them with the necessary school supplies for the restart of their schooling.
  • We are giving a Christmas reinforcement to give back the lost illusion with toys, parties with animation.
  • For the elderly, we are developing programs of socio-cultural and recreational animation through excursions, social gatherings, board games, dance and gerontogymnastics.
  • We are providing direct financial aid to alleviate short-term basic needs of people in social exclusion.

Due to lack of space in their warehouses, La Palma has asked us not to send any more products. Therefore, we are currently unable to receive donations in kind and are only accepting financial donations. Thank you for your understanding.



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A través de transferencia bancaria:  
Bankia: ES72 2038 1005 10 6000737784 
Santander: ES74 0049 5104 14 2616049664 

Bizum: 38072 

Con tarjeta: 
A través de PAYPAL a nuestra cuenta “Mensajeros de la Paz
Iglesia de San Antón

La Palma needs your help urgently,
we count on you


Mediaset and Mensajeros de la Paz Campaign Launching
Sergio Mella y el Padre Ángel
Sergio Mella, Director of Mensajeros de la Paz, and Father Angel visit the island
Se intensifica la erupción
Volcano eruption intensifies
Vista del volcán en plena erupción
View of the volcano in full eruptio
Reunión con Noelia García Leal, alcaldesa de Los Llanos, para planificar proyectos para ayudar a los damnificados.
Meeting with Noelia García Leal, mayor of Los Llanos, to plan projects to help the victims
Meeting with Father Alberto, pastor of the Church of Todoque
Meeting with the President of the Cabildo de La Palma Mariano Hernández Zapata and Miguel Ángel Morcuende, technical director of the Special Plan for Civil Protection and Emergency Attention due to volcanic risk
Father Angel revisits the island to be with families
Sergio Mella, General Director of Mensajeros de la Paz visits La Palma again to hold meetings and identify new needs